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Yoga Philosophy

From the Periphery to the Core – and back: Ruminations on our National Iyengar Convention

Reflecting upon my experience at this 2016 Iyengar Convention, this theme of periphery to the core to the periphery and so on resonates on many levels. I have often felt slightly on the periphery when teachers describe studies in Pune and with the Iyengars. This initial study with Abhijata Sridhar … [Read more...] about From the Periphery to the Core – and back: Ruminations on our National Iyengar Convention

Yoga for Stabilizing Anxiety

I’ll be teaching a workshop on Anxiety and yoga on February 28, so I’ve been exploring the nature of this malady. What are its roots? Why does one person take the things life throws their way in stride, while another becomes paralyzed with fear under the same circumstances? Anything you read on … [Read more...] about Yoga for Stabilizing Anxiety